With petrol prices high, it’s becoming increasingly important to find ways to cut down driving costs by driving in the most economical way possible.

By making simple changes to the way that you drive, you can make substantial savings to The SDF Guide To Keeping Petrol Costs Downthe amount of petrol that is consumed during a journey and this can add up to significant financial savings over a fairly short period of time.

Below we have identified some tips that can be used to keep fuel costs down to a minimum.

  • Check Your Vehicle’s Tyre Pressure: Did you know that your car’s engine will need to work much harder if your tyres are under-inflated and will therefore use more petrol? Checking your tyre pressure is quick and easy and can be done at most petrol stations.
  • Check Your Oil Levels: If your oil level is low, the performance of your engine will be affected due to the increased friction within the engine on the moving metal parts. This increased friction will lead to the engine working harder and more fuel being consumed. For this reason it is important to check you oil level every week (more if your average mileage is high). Using the most appropriate level of oil will also enable your engine to run more efficiently.
  • Regular Car Servicing: Whilst many people look at car servicing as an unnecessary luxury, the truth is very different. Regular trips to a qualified garage will help to ensure that your car continues to perform to its optimum level.  Even a basic service will ensure the engine is fitted with clean oil and filter, making sure that the car runs smooth and increasing its fuel efficiency.
  • Plan Ahead When Driving: Make sure that you plan ahead before attempting any journey. Avoiding congested areas when travelling can significant impact fuel efficiency.
  • Share Your Car: Do any of your work colleagues live nearby? If this is the case, why not take turns to drive to and from work? This way you will be halving your petrol expenses for work travel.

Further Information

If you would like to receive any further information regarding the driving tuition available from Surrey Driving Force, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by either calling 0845 190 2012, texting LESSONS to 81066 or emailing enquiries@surreydrivingforce.com

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